For so long I’ve been wanting to create a fun blog series that wasn’t really related to weddings or business directly, but more so just the personal side of me. So, after thinking and overthinking, and then overanalyzing my overthinking I realized that I should just go for it. This is my “corner of the internet,” and if I want to paint it pink, cover it with confetti and make a random blog series, then I guess nothing can stop me! So, I came up with “Dear Friday: Short Letters to the Week” that summarize my life, my current faves, some nonsense thrown in, and a whole lotta motivation.
This past week we wanted to take Jaxon to the movies. It’s still been rainy a few nights and we were craving buttered popcorn something serious. Jaxon chose Ugly Dolls and I won’t lie I was not excited to see this one. it looked weird and I couldn’t quite wrap my head around Blake Shelton as the green bunny character with one eye.
But I am surprised to report that it had a great message! I think it was a phenomenal way to start introducing body positivity and inclusivity to younger boys and girls. The lesson was that we are all designed to have a place despite our ability to fit the “perfect” mold, which we all know none of us can’t.
My recommendation really isn’t the movie though, there was just a song on the soundtrack that I’ve been loving for motivation this week: Unbreakable by Janelle Monae and Kelly Clarkson. As I’ve struggled this week, it was my boss babe song to remind me to push through and show ’em what I’m made of.
Rachel Hollis
Yesterday I was listening to the Rise Podcast while I was editing a gallery, and there were a few words from Rachel that just hit me like a palm to the forehead:
The power plant doesn’t magically have the power.
I made these words big because I need to hear them BIG. In case you need to hear them too here is the whole quote I remember hearing:
The power plant doesn’t magically have the power; the power plant makes the energy. This is the same for you. You won’t magically have the energy to perform at this level. You have to make it.
Sip coffee and repeat Jessica: you have to make it.
I am probably going to plaster these words in several rooms this next week on some sticky notes because it will take a while to sink in. Rachel was talking about how in order to perform at such a high level as a boss babe, and still be able to show up 100% for her husband and children, she has to take care of the physical basics. She exercises seven days a week (even if it’s just chasing her kids for 30 straight minutes) and prioritizes healthy, clean eating. I am assuming that hydration and ample sleep go right along with the exercise and nutrition as well.
That’s going to be my focus for myself next week. Maybe we can be accountability partners? If you follow me on IG, hold me accountable for these habits and I will do the same for you.
New pens. Who dis?
Okay, that was a bad headline. But the pens are uh-mazing. No joke.
If you’re a planner addict, a colorer, a letterer, or just have a pen obsession like me, the new ones from Erin Condren are worth it! I don’t feel like I need to write two paragraphs about new pens, but promise me you will give them a try!
Mental Health Month
I know that self care and self love are “hot button” words right now. Thrown around A LOT.
At the risk of sounding cliche, I want to talk about mental health and self care. Mostly because I have been struggling on the down slope of the dark cloud for a week or so.
I saw this info-graphic from Natalie Franke and wanted to share it with all of my tribe. I love all of the ideas on the outside, but I especially love the words on the inside.
Prioritize Mental Health
I think this goes along with Rachel’s words perfectly. I am now starting to see the big picture that in order to show up for my clients, my husband, my son, my family, and more importantly myself, I am going to have to start taking care of myself.
So, if you’re still with me, I challenge US to focus on these things in the upcoming week:
- Move our bodies 30 minutes a day. HIIT, lifting, cycling, walking, chasing the kids, walking the doggos, yoga…
- Focus on clean nutrition and hydration.
- Journaling/Planner Time and getting outside.
- Say no and set boundaries.
Thank you for reading my very first Dear Friday post. I hope you have a great week and I will catch you next Friday, friends! 💕
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