Autumn Sioux City Engagement Photos

March 17, 2019


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I'm a full time academic counselor, full time wedding & portrait photographer, and am just about to graduate with my master's degree. I love teaching my students and other juggling entrepreneurs too!

I'm Jessica & I'm so glad you're here


andrew & chebrai | sioux city, iowa

Andrew, Chebrai and I braved some of the crazy autumn weather that we had last fall and went to Adams Nature Center to shoot their engagement session. Despite the unpredictable weather making it difficult for us to decide when to shoot, the autumn colors turned out to be incredible!

We all met downtown in Sioux City and shot a few family portraits first, before heading out to Adams to finish the session in the tall grasses and beautiful fall colors. I loved getting to meet them for the first time, and they were a ton of fun during their session!

I still cannot believe that we took these photos in the middle of the street, with two small trees that were in a stranger’s backyard!! This is what I mean when I say “trust your photographer.”

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BARberstown castle wedding in ireland

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I'm a full time academic counselor, full time wedding & portrait photographer, and am just about to graduate with my master's degree. I love teaching my students and other juggling entrepreneurs too!

I'm Jessica & I'm so glad you're here


© 2023 jessica brees photography.  site by sugar studios + Showit

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