Nick and Jenna • Cherokee, Iowa Wedding

November 4, 2017


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I'm a full time academic counselor, full time wedding & portrait photographer, and am just about to graduate with my master's degree. I love teaching my students and other juggling entrepreneurs too!

I'm Jessica & I'm so glad you're here


This past Saturday was my second wedding at the Grainery Lodge and my last wedding of the Fall season. As the week progressed, the weather seemed to take a turn for the worse. At one point, we were expecting snow on Friday morning. But when Jenna and I met Thursday afternoon for burgers at my favorite restaurant, she wasn’t worried at all! She said they were prepared for cold she was just hoping there wouldn’t be wind.
So, imagine all of our surprise and happiness when we woke up Saturday morning to cold temperatures, but bright and sunny skies? The photos make it look warm and cozy, even if that wasn’t the reality! I drove down the long driveway at the Grainery and smiled as I saw it in a whole new light! The weekend before was unfortunately rainy and dark, but this weekend was the opposite and there were tons of new spots for photos (even though we had lost most of the colorful leaves)!
Nick is the type of groom that you hope for! Laid back, but also willing to go along with the ideas and participate! He isn’t the loudest or most outgoing party animal, but he is a sweet, reserved type of fun loving guy that I can totally appreciate! He got ready by himself for almost an hour, because I made him come earlier than the rest of the groomsmen, and he did so without complaint! He took everything in stride, making jokes and making everyone feel at ease! Once the boys gathered around, all bets were off, and the jokes may have been a bit more adult in content! No matter what they threw at me, I may have thrown it right back, and we got along so well that I even convinced all of the guys to throw leaves and jump in the air for some photos! Now THAT’S a dream group of guys! They wouldn’t lay down in the leaves…but you can’t blame a girl for asking!
The ladies were just as fun! They were woo-ing with delight the entire time, literally when they walked in and saw the dresses hung up for photos! The laughter and joy was non stop, just completely overflowing and everyone seemed to be included equally and having the time of their life! I think the full bridal party photos were my favorite part of the day, because we did every silly pose we could think of! I again will admit my photos don’t come out as sharp when I am laughing uncontrollably, but that’s okay! It’s all part of the experience!
Let me take a moment and commend Jenna and all the people that helped her plan and decorate the wedding and all the decor! It was the most well thought-out and executed event! Every detail was meticulously matched together, and I wanted to photograph even little bit! It was a photographer’s dream in the reception hall! I heard that Clare was the one to do all the handwritten chalkboards and I am thinking of hiring her to help with some signs I have in my home – they were that good! “Clare for hire” to any bride who wants help with signs and chalkboards!
I could tell you a story and my awe-struck impression of every detail and every part of the day, but I will just let the photos speak for themselves! This will probably be the most photo heavy post of my wedding year so far, because I just could not cut any out. Nick and Jenna-congratulations! You are two of my favorite people I have met since moving here, I have loved sending time with you over the last year, and I wish you all the best! I don’t even need to throw in my un-solicted marriage advice, because you two have it down! Friendship and laughter make the strongest foundation for a marriage, and you guys will be best friends forever, I just know it!

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I'm a full time academic counselor, full time wedding & portrait photographer, and am just about to graduate with my master's degree. I love teaching my students and other juggling entrepreneurs too!

I'm Jessica & I'm so glad you're here


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