Cherokee Iowa Wedding Photographer | Dustin + Jessica

September 20, 2018


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I'm a full time academic counselor, full time wedding & portrait photographer, and am just about to graduate with my master's degree. I love teaching my students and other juggling entrepreneurs too!

I'm Jessica & I'm so glad you're here


A Classy Autumn Winery Wedding in Round Lake, Minnesota

Before gushing about how amazing this last wedding was, let me admit one thing: I am behind when it comes to work. I am a bit overwhelmed, drowning in tasks, and last week I barely got through. Because of this, I did not prepare for Dustin and Jessica’s wedding as much as I normally do. To clarify, I still cleaned lenses, charged batteries and cleared off my camera cards. But I didn’t research the venue extensively, I didn’t save some creative inspiration off of Pinterest and I didn’t review my lengthy notes ahead of time. I was tired and I just kind of went to the wedding.

But I would be crazy if this wedding didn’t wake me up and inspire me! It was phenomenally planned and flawlessly executed. Now, I know that many people don’t want to read about the details that are unique to each wedding, but I think it’s an important point. Jessica planned fewer aspects to her wedding, and focused more attention on making each of those details exactly what she wanted. For example, there were not multiple snack stations, but one adorably setup table with cups for snack mix. Also, she didn’t plan a dessert and a favor for each guest. She chose one large cupcake in a favor box to cut down on planning and cost and let me tell you the cupcake she chose was heavenly! I swear it tasted just like a Twinkie and I may, or may not, have stole an extra one to take home for Jason! (Sorry to whoever I stole it from…) Dustin and Jessica also opted for a plated meal. Now hear me out on this one, I just learned this week from a new “Breezy Bride” that plated meals are more cost effective! I would not have guessed, because plated meals seem to add an element of class, but I am assuming the cost savings is from the caterer being able to control portions to each person. Just my random thought!

The details that inspired me the most were the florals that Jessica chose! The white and purple tones mixed with all the greenery and the succulents was just stunning! All I heard from the bridesmaids all day long was how pretty their bouquets were and I know that one bridesmaid in particular was incredibly excited to catch the toss bouquet in addition to her own bouquet! And I also know one photographer in general (cough, couch…me!) that was ecstatic to take the arrangements home from the ceremony arch. They’re still sitting down on my table and TV stand looking gorgeous! I took the succulent out of the arrangement, and replanted it in a wooden box for Jessica to have as a keepsake!

So, enough about the details, because one of my motto’s is “a beautiful marriage is much more important than a beautiful wedding,” and this is one marriage I don’t have any doubts about! Neither Jessica nor Dustin really enjoy being in the spotlight, and don’t love the fuss of the day, so they were worn out. At one point, I believe Jessica even said to her Dad that she was ready to be done, she’d already had the gown on for four hours! And we hadn’t even hit the formal portraits or ceremony yet. Exaggerations aside, these two held together so well despite their distaste for the attention. They did so well, because they absolutely loved being together. They lit up any time I snuck them off for alone time away from guests! I joked and tried my hardest to pull out some tears or emotion, but the only time Jessica cried during the day was in the middle of her vows. I am completely serious when I say that I cried more during the ceremony than the bride and groom did! Ask the family that was seating in the first two rows!

Even though I’ve shot 18 weddings already this year, there is still a moment of each day that hits me and gets me emotional. The moment during this wedding was actually when Jessica’s Dad made his speech at the reception. Just roll with me on this for a minute…her father was speaking about dropping her off at Kindergarten and wondering how she will find the cafeteria, and how she will get along with her teacher, and will she choose good friends, and will the teachers take care of her with as much care as he did. Behind my camera, I am hoping that no one saw me sob, because the tears were flowing and my Mama heart was breaking. That’s exactly the phase I am in right now, sending Jaxon to preschool every day and wondering how he is doing the entire day long. Then I felt myself picturing Jaxon at his own wedding in the future and everything was a blurry mess from that point on. The toast made by both the father of the bride and the step-father of the groom were so spot on. The perfect mixture of funny and sentimental and I loved both of them! Watching a new father in law know enough about his step-son and his bride to tell funny anecdotes and give them personal gifts (the mum was probably much better than the “just married” boxers, just saying) was so sweet.

I loved being part of this wedding day and I love being the official photographer to the Cook family. I am hoping this continues into the future! Congratulations, Jessica and Dustin! Thank you so much for letting me be by you so much during your big day! I know you are loving your time on the beach right now, and will be sitting here, impatiently waiting to hear how much you love your photos!


PHOTOGRAPHY // Jessica Brees Photography

VENUE // Round Lake Vineyards & Winery

FLORALS // McArthy Floral

HAIR & MAKEUP // New Reflections

BRIDAL GOWN // Sequins Bridal


TUXEDOS // Sequins Bridal

DJ // Tom with First Class Entertainment

If you are planning a 2019 wedding and still looking for the perfect photographer, I’d love to chat about all your wedding dreams! You can reach me here for more information.

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I'm a full time academic counselor, full time wedding & portrait photographer, and am just about to graduate with my master's degree. I love teaching my students and other juggling entrepreneurs too!

I'm Jessica & I'm so glad you're here


© 2023 jessica brees photography.  site by sugar studios + Showit

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