5 Tips for Surviving Your Rainy Wedding Day

October 19, 2017


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I'm a full time academic counselor, full time wedding & portrait photographer, and am just about to graduate with my master's degree. I love teaching my students and other juggling entrepreneurs too!

I'm Jessica & I'm so glad you're here


In the midwest we are deep into the busy season. When the fall colors hit, everyone wants their senior pictures or family photos taken…and understandably so…it’s GORGEOUS here in autumn! But, the autumn season also bring some soggy, rain soaked weather and that’s a huge problem for outdoor photography! When it’s a or two hour photo session, it can be tolerable, or at worst can be rescheduled. But, when the worst of the fall weather hits on your wedding day, it’s a completely different ball game!

Now – I know that nothing I say is going to change your feelings about rain on your wedding day, but you’ve clicked on my links and made it to my blog post, so I am going to make the assumption that you will value any input that I have! Here’s the bottom line – there is literally nothing we can do about the weather on your wedding date! But what we can control is how we handle the situation and I recommend that we make the absolute best of it!
Not everyone gets rain on their day. In fact, it’s a very small percentage of wedding days that have rain and that presents the perfect opportunity for you to have a collection of unique wedding images that no one else has! That right there is a great place to start thinking – you’ve been given the opportunity to stand out in a Pinterest-saturdated world! Woo hoo!
So, now that you’re in the right mind-space, let’s talk about the strategies for how to make the best of your rainy wedding day!
1) Re-plan Your Venue Space
You probably booked your location or venue for a very specific reason, but since it’s raining you may need to rethink how we will utilize the space! You need a plan B. What’s more, it needs to be a plan that you really love, not a rushed alternative. Invest time in your rainy day plans and make sure they’re just as beautiful as plan A!
Take some time to plan and consider whether or not there is a backup space to put your ceremony indoors. Also, think long and hard about if there is a spot that would be ideal for large group and family portraits. I love natural light and will always say let’s go outside first, but if conditions are miserable, let’s come up with something else. We can take bridal party photos on a covered porch, under and overhang, near a cafe with a pretty covering over the tables, barely inside with the doors or barn doors open…there really are a lot of options!
2) Decide if You’re Up for the Adventure
We can still shoot outside if the rain is a mist or light drizzle! The lighting on overcast days can be so pretty and I always come prepared for less than ideal weather! My kit includes full protective gear for my equipment, clear shower curtains to stand on and not ruin the dress, clean umbrellas for groups up to 24 people and lots of towels to wipe off the water. So, if you’re up to it, let’s bustle your dress and head outside! You can even consider adding cute rain boots to your photos…all the heart eyes for some cute rainproof boots!
If you have decided to take on the elements outdoors, make sure you plan your hair and makeup accordingly! Loose curls don’t stand a chance in rain and high wind, so search for some hairdos with a little less maintenance that can survive your outdoor photos! Likewise, if you have invested in some hard-core waterproof mascara, this may be the time to send your personal attendant to the store!
3) Have a Sense of Humor
We’ve agreed that weather is not a detail you can control, so let’s roll with it! Think outside the box and create moments throughout your day that guests will enjoy even if they are soaked from head to toe. There are lots of additional details that can be added last minute to make rain part of the wedding theme and experience:
– Change your signature drink from a mojito to a “Dark and Stormy”
– Change your ceremony recessional song to “Rain Drops Keep Falling On My Head”
– Create a “Dry Bar” for guests with towels, hair dryers, flip flops and ponchos
– Bring some of the outside elements you loved inside. Set up hay bales and some sticks/branches, add some leaves to the table tops, etc.
4) Find A Loophole
If you’ve always dreamed of bright, warm and sunny wedding photos from your big day but you’ve ended up with dark clouds and raindrops, maybe consider a re-shoot! Find another day with sunshine and ask if your photographer will do a secondary portrait session! You can dress back up in your gown and tux, do your hair again, grab some fresh flowers and go re-live your moment!
5) Don’t Let the Dark Clouds Take Over
This last tip is the most important one of all, rain or shine. Smile and enjoy your day!! Often times rain is considered good luck, but what it really comes down to is that, regardless of weather, you are marrying the love of your life. Things will go wrong, plans will change, unexpected situations will arise, but how you choose to react to all of those things will set the tone for your day. Be the sunshine for your rainy wedding.

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I'm a full time academic counselor, full time wedding & portrait photographer, and am just about to graduate with my master's degree. I love teaching my students and other juggling entrepreneurs too!

I'm Jessica & I'm so glad you're here


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