Oh my goodness, I’ve had this topic idea on my “master list” for so long and I just couldn’t resist it anymore! It’s no secret that I am helplessly obsessed with all things pink. But just as much as I love pink, I love everything revolving around weddings! Just ask Jason – I cry in movies and shows and real life whenever there is a proposal, I watch proposal videos on Instagram more than fitness videos (Gasp!), my three go-to movies to cure a bad day are 27 Dresses, Bride Wars, and Bridesmaids, and I would never turn Jason down if he ever agreed to marry me again (for the FOURTH time, ha!).
Jason actually sat me down on the couch yesterday, put a Pink Drink from Starbs in my hand and turned TLC on to the show Say Yes To The Dress. This is no joke, this is how incredible my husband is! I started tearing up almost immediately, and I looked at him and said “How did you know this is what I needed?” Of course his response was lined with a bit of snark, but packed full of love as he said “I know my wife better than she knows herself.” That you do, babe, that you do!!
So this gave me the lightbulb moment to write about why I love shooting weddings! When we first started shooting full time, my main sessions booked were families, newborns and seniors. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy any contact with my clients for their sessions. But there is something about a wedding day that brings me alive! I am a hopeless romantic and feel as if my OCD side excels in a positive way on wedding days!
So, in case you think I am a bit unhinged for loving wedding photography so much (which many of you do!), here are some reasons why I am a die-hard fan of the daunting task of documenting someone’s “big day:”
Sparkle, Shine, & Everything Fine.
I am a Libra and strive for balance in all things, and this includes the balance between my “girly” and my “tom boy” sides. Now, in normal day to day life, my tom-boy self usually wins. I prefer a pony tail to curls and tennis shoes or boots over heels ANY day! One of my happiest ways to exist is under a baseball cap doing something outdoors with my boys.
But when it comes to wedding days, I am allowed and expected to love all things girly! I can wear a dress, I can have girl talk with the bride tribe, I can play with earrings and rings and lacy details, and I can push lipgloss touch-ups non stop! It is so nice to have a small bit of girl-goodness all to myself amongst the sea of “dirt racing and dark blue” that is my boy mom life!
Gimme ALL the flowers!
My adoration for flowers will never cease! The longer I am married, the less often I feel the need to ask for flowers. Shocking, I know! But they can be costly, and we have some huge (vacation related) goals financially, so it’s not a priority!
But again, weddings provide the perfect outlet for me to surround myself in the most gorgeous flowers! I am not kidding, florists put more attention into wedding flowers than anything else they create and the results can be downright breathtaking!! I’ll admit a deep dark secret too – if there is any point during a wedding where they need guests to take home centerpieces or floral decor, I am the FIRST one in line! I frankly wish it would happen more often!
I get to be in charge of a schedule!
Seriously, what better job could I ask for than someone paying me to keep them on a schedule? This is like dream come true stuff for me! My color-coding, to-the-minute-planning, watch-checking, anxiety-ridden self flourishes when it comes to keeping weddings running according to the timetables. Um, you’re welcome!
“Those” moments!
I advertise myself as a hopeless romantic and this is no joke. I cannot name one wedding at which I did not cry at some point! There are always moments that make me pause and just love the moment I am capturing! There are real, raw, emotional moments that put life back into perspective. Could a bride live without a photo of her shoes? Maybe, yes. But could she live without that photo of the first look, first kiss, first dance? Absolutely not. No way it would be possible.
Those moments are the reason I love my job! My scrapbooker heart loves emotional interaction between two people – say for example when a father sees his daughter for the first time in her wedding dress, and no matter how hard he proclaimed he wasn’t a cryer, those tears flow openly and without reservation! Oh my goodness, I am pathetically cheesy today! Whew!
The reception dancing!
Most places my dancing is socially questionable and frankly, frowned upon. Like at the gym? Yeah, they’re not into it. In the popcorn aisle of the grocery? I’ve gotten some death-glares, let me tell you.
But there are three places where my dancing is not only allowed, but warmly welcomed: The Grizzley Rose in Denver, CO, our kitchen, and wedding receptions! Oh my goodness, dancing at a wedding reception is the best feeling! All of the hard work is done and it’s time to have fun with the newlyweds, get some creative shots, and wind down after a 10 or 12 hour workday!
Cake & Popcorn
Pretty sure this needs no further explanation!
I hit 10k steps like it was a morning stroll!
As I sit at the computer editing and responding to emails, I don’t get a lot of walking steps in throughout the day. I used to run between 8 and 14 miles on Sundays, but that will not likely ever happen again. So, in summary, my FitBit does not usually log a lot of steps throughout the week. But weddings really rack up the steps and I absolutely LOVE to challenge my friends to the “Weekend Warrior” challenges knowing that I will win hands down!
I’m the boss of my hubby!
In our marriage, Jason and I are equal partners in all things. But when it comes to a wedding workday, I am in charge and you know I revel in that a little bit. Okay…a lot bit! I try not to lose my patience with him, but I really enjoy getting to boss him around a bit one day a week! *Love you, sweetheart!*
There are SO many appealing factors about a wedding day for me as a photographer, but these are my favorite few!
Are you getting married and looking for a photographer? Email me for information! The contact link is up above and down below!
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