Tyson & Anna • Orange City, Iowa Engagement

January 31, 2018


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I'm a full time academic counselor, full time wedding & portrait photographer, and am just about to graduate with my master's degree. I love teaching my students and other juggling entrepreneurs too!

I'm Jessica & I'm so glad you're here


As I am catching up with engagement sessions from next year, Tyson and Anna are next on the list. They’re wedding day will be here before we know it, because April 21 feels like it’ right around the corner! I hope these two are in great spirits and doing well with wedding preparations and planning!

Early last fall, we all met up in Orange City for the prettiest engagement session! I absolutely love shooting in the flower gardens they have there, and everything is white in Orange City! So, my “light and bright” loving heart always goes a little crazy when I get to shoot there! We had fun exploring the main street down town as well as the university campus. The weather was so nice and calm (we may have sweat only a tiny bit!) and the flowers were in bloom beautifully!

Tyson was a tough cookie for me! He is super serious and would rather hide in Anna’s hair during photos, but once you get him to open up he is so funny! By the end of the session we were all laughing and chatting and having a blast! I think their wedding will be the same way, and we will have so much fun together! Congratulations on your engagement, Anna an Tyson! I can’t wait to see you at the end of April!

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puerta vallarta oceanside wedding

BARberstown castle wedding in ireland

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I'm a full time academic counselor, full time wedding & portrait photographer, and am just about to graduate with my master's degree. I love teaching my students and other juggling entrepreneurs too!

I'm Jessica & I'm so glad you're here


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